
We Have Arrived!

We have officially arrived in Virginia. We drove into town last Thursday and we've been getting used to the humidity. We are staying in a very nice extended stay hotel for the next 3 weeks and we'll move into our apartment in the middle of July.

Road Trip Round 2 was awesome because we got to see so many of you but it was a lot of driving. And I didn't even do any actual driving! But thank you to all of you who made time to visit with us - it made the trip worth while.

We're excited to be here, despite the mugginess, and although John is a little nervous to start work tomorrow I think it's going to be great.

And we welcome visitors - for reals!

1 comment:

Michal Thompson said...

Rachel- Can we be your first visitors? I have a Ragnar relay race the end of september, it ends in DC. We would love to get to see you!