
Happy Birthday Hubby!

Yep, it's John's birthday today and he's hanging out at home on Spring Break. Spring break so far hasn't been great; he spent a full day yesterday working on a project for one of his classes that is going to take him forever to finish. But today is his 28th birthday so I'm taking a half day of work so we can play and celebrate. And as much as he claims he's not a dessert person, I'm making brownies!

Happy Birthday, John - I love you, no matter how old you're getting!


Rachel said...

What a nice wife! Happy birthday, John! And we are totally feeling the pain of spring break not being much of a break. Spencer has been slaving on the same project since Friday morning. Yuck!

Teeners said...

So, Rach, Michal just called me and told me that you have a blog! We need to keep in touch! I hope all is well with you guys! Love yer guts!